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If you have an idea, or would like to get involved by supporting the Hero Hunter Foundation, we would love to hear from you!!  


Check out these amazing community heroes . . . .


Thomas Brauhart arrived in Sydney seven weeks after leaving Perth on his solo cycle trek across Australia.

He dipped his wheel in the Indian Ocean (LHS), then 4785 km later, the Pacific Ocean (RHS).


Thomas, a young man from WA who has been studying engineering for 3.5 years at UWA & is 6 months into masters, decided to take a break to do something different.

Prior to this Thomas had not ridden more then 90km in one ride before setting off on Friday 5th of August 2022 from City Beach in Western Australia, travelling across the Nullarbor to South Australia, Victoria and all the way to Sydney!! 


Thomas carried all his belongings on his bike, sleeping in a 1 man tent along the way.


Thomas did this in honour of the Hero Hunter Foundation raising a total of $7,585.


What an incredible achievement! 




Meet Debbie & Brett Lorking and Annamarie Threlfall. These amazing humans have just walked more then 1000 km and raised over $10,000 for their selected charities and guess what Hero Hunter Foundation is one of them!

This terrific trio headed off on April 25th from Kalamunda on a journey that would take them 62 days through the toughest terrain and some seriously ferocious weather.

Unfortunately Brett fractured his ankle early on and was ordered to rest, but Debbie and Annamarie was determined to make it to the finish line.

After over 2 months and multiple injuries of their own, the ladies crossed the finish line in Albany on June 27th, 1005km from where they started! We could not be more proud of you both.


Thank you for supporting the Hero Hunter Foundation and honoring Hunter in the most amazing way!


The Bibby Tracker's raised $6,613.50!

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